Fully Ozonated 100% Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil * No chemicals, preservatives or GMOs. Ozonated in the USA by a Certified Ozone Technician
Highly Concentrated! Strong Ozone Odor! (you may dilute with organic olive oil, or add essential oils for smell)
New Metal Lids to Prevent Leakage During Shipping
Great Natural oil for Skin, Sunburn, Hair, Teeth, Gums, Beards, Oil Pulling, Psoriasis, Eczema, Poison: Ivy, Oak, etc...
Ozonated in the USA by a Certified Ozone Technician
* Do not heat in microwave or stove! warm under warm water or let it sit in sun to make it liquefy!
Shelf Life
360 day
Fully Ozonated 100% Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Holistic, Homeopathic, Natural, Dental, Skin, Hair - 2 Oz - * Glass Jar *