Publisher | Medtech |
ISBN 13 | 9789385998188 |
Author | Chandra P. Kothari, Brijesh K. Aggarwal |
Book Format | Paperback |
Language | English |
Book Description | Authors of this book have explained electrical principles by observing and describing objects and occurrences with which the student is familiar examples are given of their practical application and everyday uses. Thus each principle is clearly understood and remembered. Many symbols and diagrams are used on electrical blueprints, and pages of illustrated symbols are presented to aid the reader in learning and remembering these symbols. Beside each symbol is shown a picture of the object it represents; in many cases a cut-away view is used; in others the object is shown pulled apart in order to illustrate its construction. Several panes of standard electrical abbreviations and formulas are given, as well as standard diagrams have been included for easy understand of the students. Also included is a chart of the current-carrying capacity of copper wire used for interior electric wiring work; the latest National Electrical Code Standards for different types of insulation and under various wiring conditions are also given. Elecrtrical terms that may cause difficulty are simply and clearly ex-plained in the Dictionary of Electrical Terms in the book. Chandra P. Kothari, B.E., M. Tech and Brijesh K. Aggarwal, M. Tech. are Retd. Professor of Electrical Engineering. They both have six books to their credit |
Publication Date | 17-Feb-17 |
Number of Pages | 438 |
Fundamentals Of Electricity Paperback English by Chandra P. Kothari - 17-Feb-17