OverviewBeads are glued to the ENTIRE picture of the model, the beads are ROUND. Kit/Set content consists of 30x30 cm canvas fabric belonging to the self-adhesive model, beads necessary for the model (there are more than enough), pen to hold the beads, gel/soap/wax used to hold the beads with the pen (IT IS NOT ADHESIVE and IS MORE THAN ENOUGH, the sticky part is the canvas itself), a mini palette to put the beads in. In making the product, the canvas fabric belonging to the model is laid flat, beads of the appropriate color are prepared in accordance with the symbol/letter in the corner of the canvas according to the area of the model you will work on, the gelatin on the canvas is removed from the area to be worked on, the pen is dipped into the gel/soap/wax and removed (it will be enough for a long time) and the appropriate bead is glued in place by holding it. Using too much gel leaves a matte layer on the beads, which does not provide the expected shiny appearance when the product is completed.