About the Author | Tenten Hosokawa is a manga author and illustrator. She is the author of an autobiographical manga that depicted her partner's struggle with depression, titled, "My Significant Other Has Depression." This book, in conjunction with her follow-up manga series, "Iguana Wife," was adapted into a live-action TV series, and later, a live-action movie. She is the author of many series, including works depicting stay-at-home fathers and their childcare, as well as her own career journey. Currently, she is working on a series about her life struggles, and a manga adaptation of the Buddhist scripture the Vimalakirti Sutra.Dr. Hiroko Mizushima is a leading figure in interpersonal psychotherapy. After obtaining her medical degree, Dr. Mizushima served in the Japanese House of Representatives from 2000-2005, where she fought to implement numerous laws. She is currently director of an interpersonal Psychotherapy clinic, an adjunct lecturer at Keio University School of Medicine, and serves as Director of an the International Society for Interpersonal Psychotherapy. |