OverviewViolet is an online shopping store for women's clothing where elegance meets comfort, to be fashionable with what suit your personality and lifestyle. In Violet store we have a collection of the best products that are made of the best quality material in our factories. For this product, It's a karoo shirt, boblin cotton material, suitable for all seasons. The shirt can be totally opened to be worn up a white body for afternoon going out, and can be closed for formal style. Very comfortable for university clothing and students. The dress is colorful so it's suitable for all ages. It's a casual and multi use shirt really. Soft and comfortable to wear. Available in 5 colors black, beige, mauve, turquoise and Firebrick. Available in 4 sizes (M - L - XL - XXL). There's a photo for detailed size charts within photos
Long sleeves
Karooh shirt
Casual shirt
Colorful (5 colors)
Boblin cotton material
Soft and comfortable to wear
Buttoned closure
The model in photo is wearing the size M
Made in Egypt
Violet store (where elegance meets comfort)