About the Author | Dr Dimiter N Petsev received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Sofia. Then he holds research positions at Purdue University and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr Petsev's research interests are in the area of colloids, surfaces, and interfaces. A significant part of the efforts are focused on the dynamics of charged colloids, self-assembly of ionic surfactants, and emulsion stability against flocculation and coalescence. Other research areas of interest include electrokinetic phenomena and their relation to micro and nanofluidics, and capillary-driven flow in porous materials.Dr Laura J Douglas Frink received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1995 where she was advised by Frank van Swol and Charles Zukoski. Her doctoral work involved simulation of colloidal systems with solvation potentials from classical density functional theory (DFT). She joined Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in 1995 to pursue the development of a general-purpose c-DFT code capable of 2- and 3-dimensional calculations using parallel computing platforms. She was a lead developer of the c-DFT code Tramonto which is currently available as open-source software. Scientific interests include colloidal systems, adsorption and wetting, polymer interfaces, and self-assembled systems with applications in nanotechnology and biology. In 2008, she left SNL and started a consulting company. She became a research professor at the University of New Mexico in 2017. |