OverviewJiva Black Pearl Shampoo is the right shampoo if you are looking for one that keeps you fresh and cool through and entire day. heat and dust and prevents hair loss, graying and dandruff. The shampoo checks premature graying of hair and hair loss. It is very effective against dandruff. The shampoo also helps you say goodbye to the itchy scalp problem. Its soft gentle lather will do wonders to your scalp and nourish the hair by removing all impurities. It has ingredients balanced to alleviate the tridoshas - vata, pitta and kapha .u2013 protecting the health of your hair. It cools the scalp and deodorizes the hair. The source of its rich lather will be gentle on your hair and scalp. The shampoo has great anti-microbial properties to keep infections away from your scalp. You will love the daylong freshness that it gives you. Prevents hair loss and dandruff Checks premature greying Treats itchy scalp Moisturizes the hair | Rinse the hair with water. Take the shampoo, apply on the scalp and massage gently into the roots of hair. Massage the shampoo into the scalp for 2-3 min and wash with water. | It alleviate the tridoshas - vata, pitta and kapha protecting the health of your hair. This Ayurvedic combination of natural herbs helps maintain your hair`s inherent luster and thickness. It helps keep your scalp free from dandruff and nourishes your hair roots. | It prevents hair loss, dandruff, checks premature graying of hair and itchy scalp problem. It cools the scalp and deodorizes the hair, maintains hair s inherent luster and thickness. Shipps from India