OverviewViolet is an online shopping store for women's clothing where elegance meets comfort, to be fashionable with what suit your personality and lifestyle. In violet store we have a collection of the best product that are made of the best materials in our factories. For this product it's a basic women jacket, a stable piece in your wardrobe. It's material is gabardine, very suitable for winter and autumn season and could be worn also in summer and spring. You can wear it as a casual style or formal one. Wear it with undershirt or body with jeans and sneakers for a quick outing with your friends. It's an elegant style to wear go to work. Available in 6 colors black, firebrick, mauve, fuchsia red, blue and green.
Our Model is wearing the size M
Basic Jacket
Gabardine Material
Metallic buttons
Large front elegant pockets
Made in Egypt
Violet Store (where elegance meets comfort)