About the Author | Dr. John Simon Harwood has served as Director of the Purdue University Interdepartmental NMR Facility (PINMRF) since 2005, where he has overseen the rationalization and expansion of PINMRF such that the facility now includes two spectrometers with cryoprobes along with an 800-MHz spectrometer. He holds a DSc in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Arlington, and he’s held postdoctoral positions at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and University of California, Berkeley. He is a former manager of the NMR Facility in the Chemistry Department, University of Georgia, and a former director of both the NMR Facilities and the Computational Facility in the Chemistry Department, University of Illinois, Chicago.
Dr. Huaping Mo has served as the Associate Director of the Purdue Interdepartmental NMR Facility in the Chemistry Department at Purdue University since 2005. He earned an MSc from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1994 and a PhD from Brandeis University in 1999, where he completed studies on molecular assembly and structures. He conducted his post-doctoral research on protein structures at The Scripps Research Institute. As a researcher at Eli Lilly and Company until 2005, he focused on protein and ligand-protein interaction. His current interests are NMR method development, including methods designed for faraway water suppression and accurate NMR quantitations using either receiving efficiency or large solvent signals. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications in peered-reviewed scientific journals. |