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Primary Greatness - The 12 Levers Of Success - Paperback English by Stephen R. Covey - 11/23/2015

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PublisherSimon And Schuster Export Edition
ISBN 139781471157288
ISBN 101471157288
AuthorStephen R. Covey
Book DescriptionStephen R. Covey believed there were only two ways to live life: a life of prima-ry greatness or a life of secondary greatness. Through his books and speaking, he taught that the intrinsic rewards of primary greatness - integrity, responsi-bility, and contribution - far outweighed the extrinsic rewards of secondary greatness - money, popularity, and the self-absorbed, pleasure-ridden life that some people consider “success.” In this posthumous work, Covey lays out clearly the 12 levers of success that will lead to a life of primary greatness: Integrity, Contribution, Priority, Sacri-fice, Service, Responsibility, Loyalty, Reciprocity, Diversity, Learning, and Re-newal. For the first time, Covey defines each of these 12 qualities and how they can be leveraged and enacted in your daily life to lead you to success and hap-piness
About the AuthorStephen R. Covey was an incredibly influential author, speaker and thought leader. Before he died in 2012, he sold more than 50 million copies of his books worldwide. He held an MBA from Harvard and a doctorate from Brigham Young University. He was the co-founder of Franklin Covey, a lead-ing global education and training firm with offices in 147 countries
Publication Date11/23/2015
Number of Pages224

Primary Greatness - The 12 Levers Of Success - Paperback English by Stephen R. Covey - 11/23/2015

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