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Research Methods In Management paperback english - 8-Dec-04

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PublisherA Butterworth-Heinemann Title
ISBN 139780750662123
ISBN 100750662123
Book SubtitleA Concise Introduction to Research In Management And Business Consultancy
Book DescriptionWritten specifically for the Research Methods aspect of an MBA course, Research Methods in Management is the ideal companion for those needing guidance on carrying out a research project. The author offers a succinct guide to the topic which provides MBA and Business Students with the necessary grounding in the area of research without going into too much depth. The text is therefore written with modular courses in mind so that students gain an overall perspective of the important areas that need consideration and can ascertain the key points they need to be aware of when carrying out research. Dissertations and projects form an integral part of many MBA and degree courses and therefore guides such as this are becoming invaluable when tackling this area for the first time. Research Methods in Management approaches the research task in a step by step manner, covering areas such as data collection, observational methods, and data analysis. Guidance is provided on the best way to approach aspects of the research process and to ensure all aspects are adequately covered. As this is an area where many students feel they do not have any experience, a text such as this provides the necessary support in approaching this area of the course. * Written specifically for MBA and Business students for whom Research Methods forms part of their course is therefore business focused * Succinct and relevant provides students only with the information they require when carrying out research * Supported by online resources for Students and Lecturers
About the AuthorGeoff Lancaster is Chairman of the Durham Associates Group of Companies which is headquartered at Caste Eden, Co-Durham with offices in Bahrain, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The company is in corporate communications and also manages higher degree programmes overseas for two UK universities. He has written approximately 25 marketing textbooks plus more than 100 academic refereed journal and conference papers. He was senior examiner to the Chartered Institute of Marketing for approximately 15 years and was their senior academic adviser from 1994-1998.
AuthorGeoff Lancaster
Publication Date8-Dec-04
Number of Pages240

Research Methods In Management paperback english - 8-Dec-04

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