About the Author | Darrel Plant is the publisher and owner of Moshofsky/Plant Creative Services, a multi-media development company in Portland, Oregon. This is his fourth book covering Macromedia products. Darrel is the Technical Editor of Director Online, a free site for information on Director, Flash, and other Macromedia products (http://www.director-online.com). Darrel lives in inner Portland with his wife, Barbara Moshofsky, and a cat named Jackie Chan. He's a voracious reader and has a bad habit of wasting time writing letters to the editors of various publications. Web site: http://www.moshplant.com/ E-mail: flash5@moshplant.com Robert B. Cleveland spent seven years writing for publications in the automotive industry before trading in his pen and leveraging an IT background to begin developing on the Web. Since then, his work with ICON Technology Group and ICON Multimedia Group has required almost a schizophrenic development process in both graphic design and programming. The results have been cutting-edge Web-based solutions that integrate visual technologies such as Flash and Shockwave with powerful back-end data and programmed utilities. ICON Technology Group and ICON Multimedia Group develop a full spectrum of innovative solutions for corporate customers¿from media development online and offline to large, ASP-style software solutions operating over the Web. Visit them online at http://www.iconideas.com and http://www.robcleveland.com or e-mail Rob at rob.cleveland@iconideas.com. |