About the Author | Debbie Podlogar is just a normal mom who got lost in the world of “mommy wine culture.” She started drinking later in life, usually just out with friends “for a glass of wine.” After some time, she started using wine to numb the pain of life: divorce, breast cancer, the death of her parents, and more. To an outsider, no one would have known; she seemed like a normal mom who volunteered with the PTA and loved the Lord. At the end of 2020, she had had enough, and decided to stop drinking and breaking her promises to herself. Her mocktail journey started right at the end of 2020, when she knew she would need replacement drinks to be successfully alcohol-free. She created her Instagram account @Mocktail.Mom to document and share all the alcohol-free drinks she was discovering. Now, she feels freer and more alive than ever. Being alcohol-free has allowed her to start living her life with authentic freedom! |