Book Description | Sam Dillard completely transformed her health from just surviving to thriving on the keto diet. Like any mum, she wants the same strong physical and mental health for her children, so Sam transitioned her whole family from their unhealthy eating habits to a complete keto lifestyle. In this cookbook, she guides other families to do the same, with recipes that solve problems parents are likely to encounter on the journey. Spend less time preparing two versions of each meal and more time having fun as a family. With these recipes, Sam keto-izes popular kid foods such as Baked Chicken Nuggets, Cauliflower Mac & Cheese, Perfect Pepperoni Pizza, Ham and Cheese Pockets and Spaghetti & Meatball Nests. Using smart food substitutions that mimic the textures and flavours they are familiar with, kids won't be as intimidated trying new foods. Featuring go-to recipes for breads, snacks, sweets and breakfasts, you'll have all your bases covered. |