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The Spa Bible: The Gospel On Starting Your Own Spa Business

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PublisherIndependently Published; Standard Edition
ISBN 139781077120181
ISBN 101077120184
AuthorCandace Holyfield
Book FormatPaperback
Book DescriptionAffectionately known as the Six Figure Spa Chick, Candace Holyfield is no stranger to running a business like a BOSS! She is a Medical assistant, holistic practitioner, retired massage therapist, CEO of Spa Boss Tribe, best-selling author, and motivational speaker.Traveling all over the world, connecting with thousands of spa owners, teaching countless classes and workshops, Candace realized that one thing spa owners were truly missing was a plan... a strategy to building from the ground up. And using her own experience and success, Candace wrote The Spa Bible as a printed guide for spa professionals everywhere. It is literally an all-in-one manual, from start to finish, from Genesis to Revelations, that will provide a detailed road map on starting and running your own spa business.Candace's latest book, A to Z Marketing Guide for Spapreneurs, was a best-selling book written as a companion to The Spa Bible. She is also the author of Bitter+Broken=BOSS, Business Credit 101 and over 30 other ebooks sold all over the world! Featured in The American Spa, Voyage, Glambitious, Your Voice, SwagHER, and Beautifully Yours Metro Magazines, Candace's personality commands every room she steps foot in. Owning and operating an international business, Candace uses her gifts and expansive knowledge to teach other spa owners how to make real money, real fast, and consistently! She didn't get the title "Six Figure Spa Chick" by happenstance, she makes it happen every day!
Publication Date6 September 2019
Number of Pages96 pages

The Spa Bible: The Gospel On Starting Your Own Spa Business

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