Editorial Review | Review quote More than one writer has made Mrs. Hudson the central character in a novel, but Barry S. Brown in The Unpleasantness at Parkerton Manor is, I think, the first to suggest that she was the true detective genius at 221B Baker Street. She's a likable character...and disconcertingly credible. ... Holmes and Watson play their parts intelligently, learning on the job, so to speak.... Their enquiry into the unexpected demise of Sir Stanley Parkerton is interrupted by another sudden death and by the flight of Sir Stanley's son and daughter-in-law. It's a gloriously complex and improbable scenario made even more so by a relationship with one of the most unlikely royal dynasties of the time, the White Rajahs of Sarawak. --The District Messenger, The Newsletter of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London, July, 2010show more |