Overview Storm Thunderslide Shad Model Fish
Shad shaped lipless twitch bait
Fast and sharp side-to-side turns
Heavy-duty construction is perfect for giant hunts
Premium VMC hooks
The ThunderSlide Shad on the Storm can handle anything spinable, considering the maximum power imaginable.
This flat-shaped lipless twitch bait responds well with fast and sharp side-to-side spins
Detailed scale pattern
large body volume
Many light reflections
holographic surface
Due to its large body volume, Storm ThunderSlide is a great big fish predator.
You can choose between classic and UV gloss coat colors that increase visibility and provide greater reflection
ThunderSlide has an added rattle.
ThunderSlide is equipped with a trio of VMC Black Nickels that guide fish safely into the boat.
As the name suggests, the Storm ThunderSlide is designed with flat edges that provide a rip-ride and provide lots of reflection.
The bait can also throw unusually well and far.