With motion-control technology, the gamer can truly interact with the game on a personal level, rather than participating as a passive player
Up to four Wii Remote Plus controllers can be connected at once using built-in wireless technology powered by Bluetooth
Wii controller has a sensor on it that enables the user to select menu preferences, scroll through screens, and activate the game itself
Download many games with the help of inbuilt wifi
It finely redraws each pixel making them look vivid again with virtually zero lag
It analyzes each pixel in its immediate context as well as its global context to determine the most suitable modifications for each pixel
The Wii Remote features traditional controller inputs, including a directional pad (d-pad), three face action buttons and a shoulder trigger, and four system-related buttons include a power switch
A wrist-mounted strap is included with the Wii remote, with one end affixed to the bottom of the unit. Nintendo strongly encouraged players to use the strap in case the Wii remote accidentally slipped out of their hands