Editorial Review | "Manager of the Century" -- Fortune "Jack is the Tiger woods of management. All CEOs want to emulate him. They won't be able to, but they'll come closer if they listen carefully to what he has to say" -- Warren Buffett, Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway
"An American treasure, Jack Welch teaches us how a leader with keen intellect, guts, and honor can impart courage to people around him, weather unexpected storms, inspire confidence, and take an organization to greater and greater heights. His formula challenges all of us and any institution striving for excellence." -- Bernadine Healy, M.D., President and CEO, American Red Cross |
About the Author | Jack Welch was chairman and CEO of the General Electric Company from 1981 to 2001. After retiring from GE, Mr. Welch published his autobiography, Jack - Straight from the Gut, a No.1 New York Times and international best-seller. Suzy Wetlaufer is the former editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review, where she worked from 1995 to 2002. She is the author of numerous articles about leadership, managing change, and corporate culture, and the editor of several books on related topics. |