Supported by a rolling base, the bag rolls, which changes everything. Patented, one-handed instant connection to YOYO+ and YOYO2. Approved for a capacity of up to 10 kg and a 40 L storage volume
22 kg in the YOYO2 seat, 10 kg in the YOYO bag, and 5 kg in the basket: 37 weightless kilos. The stroller stays ultra-maneuverable, retains one-handed steering, and has a rolling base to support the bag’s weight
Height-adjustable bag adapts to 6+ and 0+ strollers, even with the car seat. Off the stroller, the bag has two carrying handles and a flat bottom so you can set it down
30°C washable polyester bag, supported by the rolling base and held in place by two hooks. Can be closed with a drawstring system
The stroller can fold and unfold with the rolling base in place (bag removed) and hooks on the handlebar
Rolling base that tips into the basket to save space when not in use. Available in 9 colors. Size: 45 cm high, 23 cm circumference at the base. Weight: 1 kg