Paraffin Foot Treatment Booties: The lavender foot peel offers therapeutic, deep moisturization to heal dry, cracked skin with relief for sore joints and muscles in only 10 minutes.
Lavender Foot Peel: The spa paraffin socks can be warmed in microwave or hot towel cabinet.
Spa Foot Treatment Socks: The moisturizing foot peel has a thermochromic label (the shape in the middle of the glove) that is designed for temperature identification.
Paraffin Wax Treatment Booties: The spa foot treatment socks are100% hygienic, no mess and good for four treatments.
Moisturising Foot Peel: The paraffin wax treatment booties are made with 100% pure paraffin, glycerin, jojoba oil, and lavender essential oil.
اسم اللون
1 Pair (Pack of 1)
علاج القدم بالبارافين لمدة 10 دقائق، أحذية علاجية منزلية وسبا، لافندر مريح، زوج واحد