The rich composition of essential fatty acids contained in watermelon seed oil helps to restore elasticity to the skin it is also wonderful for all skin types, including dry, oily, acne-prone or maturing skin watermelon seed oil is also a perfect for hair care as it is non-greasy yet highly moisturizing | due to a high content of protein and essential amino acids, watermelon seed oil can strengthen your hair watermelon seed oil can add shine to your hair as they contain copper that produces melanin, a pigment that provides colour to your hair | nourishes hair and smoothes hair cuticles makes hair long, strong and thick controls hair fallout moisturizing | watermelon seed oil also has excellent pore size reduction qualities, so is good to use on large-pored skin watermelon seed oil eliminates sebum, the dirt and grease that builds up in your skin and creates acne moisturizing and declogging is vital for combating skin degradation and aging - watermelon seed oil can play a very important part in this | light oil with amazing absorption properties rich in essential fatty acids helps restore elasticity highly moisturizing rich in linoleic and oleic acids helps dissolve sebum buildup
100% organic watermelon seed oil | imported from egypt | various sizes | 100% pure | cold-pressed | natural moisturizer for skin, hair and face | by sweet essentials (4 fl oz glass bottle)