الميزات الأساسية- مع عمر البطاريات القصير في معظم الهواتف الذكية وأجهزة التابلت، من المهم للغاية حمل بطارية هذه الأيام.
- باور بانك Mi PLM13ZM 3i (بلون أسود حالك) مزود ببطارية بسعة 10000 مللي أمبير في الساعة. علاوة على ذلك، يحتوي على منفذي USB.
- وزن هذا الباور بنك يبلغ 251 جراماً.
- الغرض من باور بنك هو إعادة شحن الإلكترونيات التي تعمل بالبطارية أثناء التنقل
- الفائدة الأساسية للباور بانك المحمول هو قدرته على توفير الطاقة المستقرة وقت الحاجة
نظرة عامةPower banks are used for providing portable power to charge battery powered items like mobile phones and other similar items that have a USB interface: they can charge via USB, etc or wirelessly.A Power Bank is a portable charger designed to recharge your electronic devices when you're on the move. Ranging in size from slim, pocket-sized devices up to larger, higher-capacity Power Banks – they can be used to charge smartphones, tablets etc.The purpose of a power bank is to recharge battery-powered electronics when you're on-the-go.A power bank can be small enough to fit in your pocket or they can be larger with a higher capacity. Power banks are used to charge cell phones, tablets, speakers, and even laptops.Size, shape, weight and capacity are the main things to consider when shopping for a power bank. A nice clear indication of available power is also useful, with some models showing a digital display rather than bars. A basic power bank with two USB ports for charging multiple devices at once.Basically, power banks consist of a housing with an integrated battery and associated electronics for charging and discharging. You can also see the power bank as a mobile charging device which enables you to have a mobile power supply. A lithium-ion or lithium polymer technology is used nowadays as a battery.The primary benefit of portable power banks is their ability to provide stable power in times of need. Everyone is always online these days and most of these devices, like phones, laptops, cameras, etc. work daily, non-stop. Hence, these devices need constant power to keep up with the way the owners use them.