الميزات الأساسية- منتج يوفر نفس مستوى الحماية والاطمئنان مثل الواقي الذكري العادي
- مُصمَّم خصوصاً ليكون أسهل عند وضعه وأكثر راحة أثناء ارتدائه
- منتج مصنوع من مادة اللاتكس عالية الجودة لضمان المتانة
- واقيات ذكرية فائقة الرقة توفر لك إحساساً كبيراً باللذة
- مزود بمكون خاص لزيادة المتعة لوقت أطول
نظرة عامة
About the product:
These condoms have uniquely positioned raised dots texture designed to maximize stimulation for you and your partner. The condoms also smell better which helps avoid unpleasant distractions and you can relax and enjoy to the fullest. Each Durex condom is dermatologically tested to ensure strength and a high level of protection.
Durex condoms can help reduce the risk of transmission of hiv (aids) and many other transmitted infections (sti). However no method of contraception can give you 100 percent protection against pregnancy, hiv or sti. Note - for optimal security the product should be placed in a cool dry place away from sunlight.
About the brand:
With over 90 years' experience in manufacturing condoms, Durex is the world's No. 1 brand. All our condoms use only the best quality raw materials and each one is electronically tested for holes and imperfections.