الميزات الأساسية- فريق سلاحف النينجا المراهقين المتحولين عبارة عن فريق من أربعة سلاحف، تم تحويلها إلى مخلوقات شبيهه بالإنسان ذات ذكاء عالي نتيجة لطفرة. وتحت توجيه معلمهم - الفأر بشري الشكل الذي يدعى سبلينتر، تم تدريبهم على فن النينجوتسو
- يمكن للأطفال المحبين لفيلم الرسوم المتحركة الشهير "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" ابتكار العديد من القصص المختلفة لمعارك جديدة. ألعاب سلاحف النينجا مصنوعة من بلاستيك عالي الجودة، مع معالجة دقيقة للمظهر الخارجي
- مجسمات تعمل على تنمية اللعب التخيلي للأطفال كما تشجعهم على الإبداع، وتتميز بأنها متينة وآمنة ومريحة للعب بها لساعات طويلة
نظرة عامة100% brand new and excellent condition, and made of safe material Each figure has a different appearance and vivid expression.We greatly appreciate each customer. If you are not satisfied with the product for any reason, please let us know. We will give you satisfaction in 24 hours. Teenage mutant ninja turtles are a team of four turtles, transformed into anthropomorphic creatures with high intelligence as a result of the action of a mutagen. under the guidance of their sensei - an anthropomorphic rat named splinter, they were trained in the art of ninjutsu. Vintage classic turtles were made on the basis of the popular cartoon "teenage mutant ninja turtles"; these original toys have all the external features of the prototype were observed. with the help of these old-school mini ninja figurines, the child will have the opportunity to organize new role-playing games that develop imagination and creativity, stimulate the motor skills of the hands and raise the child's mood. Children who are fans of the popular animated film "teenage mutant ninja turtles" can come up with many different stories for new battles. ninja turtles toys are made of high-quality plastic, with a detailed examination of the appearance. Develops kids imaginative play, encourages kids creativity, sturdy build, safe body, comfortable to play for hours. Keeps your little one busy with hours of creative play, encouraging imaginative skills and vibrant colors stimulate visual development