الميزات الأساسية- تم إطلاق عطر روز جريدي في عام 2012
- صمم هذا العطر بيير مونتالي
- منتج يوفر رائحة رقيقة ومميزة تنعش الروح منذ اللحظة الأولى التي يتم وضعها فيها
- توفر هذه الرائحة العطرية طاقة رائعة وحيوية آسرة
- تركيبة توفر رائحة لطيفة وجذابة في الوقت نفسه مع تأثير يدوم طويلاً
- تُعد هديةً مثالية لشخص له مكانته الخاصة بالنسبة لكم
نظرة عامةMancera – Orient and Occident United-The brand Mancera was created in 2008 in the Arabian Gulf. It was initiated by the distributor "Al Hthar", who previously specialized in establishing classical, big brand perfumes in the Gulf region. Based on extensive experience the owner of "Al Hthar" asked a group of designers and perfumers, including Pierre Montale who is world-famous for his Montale collection, to create a large-Artistic perfume brand. Besides their amazing aromas, all the perfumes by Mancera will draw your attention witjh their absolutely luxury packages, too. The flacon of Gold Intensive Aoud in the style inspired by Art Deco will win your heart by the quality of the materials used and by its decorative cap. It's complemented by a golden box with an attractive texture in the typical design of the brand. Try this perfumed water by the luxurious French brand and fall in love with its aroma combining the Western style with the best the Orient can offer.