الميزات الأساسية- السعة: 6000 مللي أمبير في الساعة
- منتج من معدن 18.8
- مضاد للماء
- يعمل ببطارية كبيرة السعة توفر شحناً فعالاً لأجهزتك
- مزود بوسائد ممتصة مقاومة للانزلاق تبقي معظم الهواتف ثابتة في مكانها
- يتضمن مجموعة دوائر داخلية مصمَّمة جيداً بحيث تمنع الصدمات المفاجئة
- تقدم الدوائر الذكية الشحن الذكي وتمنع الاهتزازات المفاجئة
- مزين بأضواء مؤشرة مدمجة تبقيك مطلعاً على مستوى الطاقة المتبقي
نظرة عامةBeing a global leader in the power accessories industry Goui is taking action in making a difference in people lives. Through their slogan, “Powering Life,” Goui has made it its mission to start powering cities around the world that remain off the grid. By installing power their projects’ aim is to improve 4 elements: Education, Safety, Health, and the Overall quality of life. In any village, they would usually have their own animals. However, the problem is when Hyenas come at night and eat their animals. At some extreme situations, these Hyenas could attack the people of the village. With the safety lights installed, those animals will not come close to the light, as they fear it. Also, people in the village will be aware of any suspicious attack that might happen and can become more careful about the situation.
These portable chargers are especially helpful for travelers as they find powerbanks really useful as well for the same reason. They don’t have to worry about running out of battery since powerbanks have light indicators that show their power supply.
One great benefit of these powerbanks is their portability. They aren’t too heavy and are convenient to carry even when travelling. can easily bring them everywhere as they need to keep their phones with them all time.
In addition to the portable charger’s attractive appearance, it also has an anti-scratch surface, making it more durable.