Current EMS directly sends signals to muscles to promote muscle movement. All you need to do is adapt the cushions to your body and let them exercise your muscles.
Muscle stimulator AB is used to train abdominal/arm/leg/hip/waist muscles. With our belt, you can achieve the ideal physical state you have always dreamed of!
Our abdominal strength training equipment adopts advanced electric stimulator technology, which can effectively train your abdominal muscles through micro contraction.
Our belt can stimulate your muscle fibers 100% to balance high performance and post training comfort.
With our belt, you can control your figure! This electrical stimulation device has 10 training modes and 30 intensity levels, and can be customized for each training session according to your personal needs.
جهاز تحفيز العضلات ABS Trainer، جهاز تحفيز العضلات EMS، جهاز تحفيز عضلات البطن للرجال والنساء، جهاز تمارين اللياقة البدنية للمكتب المنزلي، 8 وسادات جل بديلة للبطن والذراع والساق، 10 أوضاع، 20 مستوى