الميزات الأساسية- مكمل مثالي لنمو الشعر للحصول على شعر أكثر كثافة وامتلاء
- ثبت سريريا قدرته علي الحد من تساقط الشعر و ترققه
- يساعد في الحفاظ على نمو الشعر الطبيعي والصحي من الجذور
نظرة عامةViviscal Advanced Hair Health is a specialized hair vitamin created for women and their healthy hair needs. Viviscal has been proven to be one of the top vitamins for effective hair growth. Created with a range of vitamins to help stimulate new hair growth, decrease thinning and decrease shedding. Can be used by all hair types. Can be used for a variety of reasons causing hair thinning. Enriched with Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Zinc, Horsetail Extract, Flax Seed Extract and Vitamin E. How to use: Take 1 tablet two times a day. Take along with water and food.