الميزات الأساسية- يتميز بدرجة حموضة محايدة ولا يسبب الحساسية
- خضع المنتح للاختبار من قِبل أطباء الأطفال والجلدية
- تركيبة خالية من الأصباغ والبارابين والفثالات والكبريتات والكحول والصابون.
- تركيبة لا دموع بعد اليوم لطيفة على العيون مثل المياه النقية.
- التننظيف بلطف للحفاظ على صحة الشعر وفروة الرأس
نظرة عامةWhen a baby is born, their skin is at its most delicate. That’s why we perfected our formulas over 125 years so they’re now even more gentle for all. Our JOHNSON'S Baby Shampoo is our mildest formula and is specially designed to gently cleanse baby’s fine hair and delicate scalp. It quickly lathers and rinses easily, leaving your baby’s hair soft, shiny, manageable and clean. Great for kids and adults too! When a baby is born, their skin is at its most delicate. That’s why we perfected our formulas over 125 years so they’re now even more gentle for all. JOHNSON’S Baby Conditioner is specially designed to gently detangle your baby’s fine hair making it easy for combing, soft, shiny and manageable while feeling healthy and smelling baby-fresh. Made with NO MORE TEARS formula that is gentle to the eyes as pure water, JOHNSON’S Baby Shampoo is hypoallergenic, pH balanced and is ideal for delicate baby skin. JOHNSON’S baby care products. For baby, use after every bath and diaper change. For you, use anytime you want skin to feel soft, fresh, and comfortable. Shake powder directly into your hand, away from the face, before smoothing onto baby's skin. Close tightly after each use, and store in a cool, dry place.