الميزات الأساسية- منتج يسهل على طفلك الإمساك به والشرب منه بنفسه، كما أنه يحتوي على فوهة صب ومقبضين كبيرين
- تصميم مصنوع من البلاستيك غير الضار من نفس المادة المستخدمة في زجاجات الأطفال والحفاضات وصناديق الطعام
- يمكنك رؤية المقدار المتبقي من الكوب من خلال البلاستيك الشفاف
نظرة عامةWe care as much about your child as you do. That’s why there’s no added BPA (Bisphenol A) or other harmful substances in our children’s tableware. In fact, everything from bibs and plates to cutlery and mugs fulfil the highest market standards. So that you can just sit down and enjoy your meals together – and each other’s company. This beaker makes it easier for your baby to hold and drink by themselves since it has a spout and two large handles. Made from harmless plastic, the same material used in in baby bottles, disposable nappies and food boxes. You can see how much is left in the beaker through the transparent plastic. You avoid spills and messes since the lid is tight-fitting, but if your baby turns the beaker upside down, liquid can still run out through the spout. Recommended for ages from 0 year.