الميزات الأساسية- تصميم مثالي يمنح طفلك متعة المشي
- مقبض يمكنك من تحريك المشاية لنزهة مسائية لطيفة مع طفلك.
- تصميم مزود بالعديد من الألعاب الممتعة ليستمتع بها الطفل
- تعد المشاية جهازاً يستخدمه الأطفال الذين لا يستطيعون المشي بمفردهم
- تتمتع المشاية بتصميم قابل للطي لسهولة الحمل والتخزين
نظرة عامةBaby plus baby walker assists your baby to learn the first precious steps of their life fitted with swivel wheels that allows your baby to move in all direction, comes with comfortable padded seat with backrest, smooth movement and perfect balance. Assists your baby to learn the first precious steps of their life fitted with swivel wheels that allows your baby to move in all direction. Handle help you to roll the walker out with you for an nice evening walk with your baby, several entertaining sounds and toys to play with your baby. Helps the baby to maintain their balance on their own legs without any kind of pressure. Designed to excite and stimulate a kid's imagination with multi-colour wheels, perfect one to your baby to make them walk with enjoyment.