تقنية سايكلون تزيد من تدفق الهواء والأداء عبر فصل الأتربة عن الهواء
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المنتج يتميز بحاوية غبار ذات تصميم متطور لإفراغها بطريقة صحية
خفيف الوزن وصغير الحجم لسهولة التخزين
منتج مصنوع من مادة عالية الجودة تضمن توفير متانة تدوم طويلاً لتحمل الاستخدام المكثف
نظرة عامةKenwood Xtremecyclone Technology Maximizes Airflow And Performance By Separating Dirt From Air In One Go. It Delivers Remarkable Cleaning Results Through Highly Efficient, Air Enters Fast Into The Xtremecyclone Thanks To The Air Inlet Design, The Curved Air Pass Quickly Accelerates The Air In The Cyclonic Chamber To Separate The Dust From The Air, The Optimized Exit Blades Separate Dirt From The Cyclone And Into The Dust Bucket.Kenwood Xtreme Cyclone Comes With Hepa Filter(Hepa Filters Remove Particles As Small As 3 Microns With 99.97 Percent Efficiency)The Hepa Filter Has A Large Surface And Good Filtration Performance. It Can Catches Small Dust Particles And In Combination With The Cyclonic Flow, This Prevents The Filter From Clogging Fast And Gives You Better And Longer-Lasting Filtration Results.Advanced Dust Container Design For Hygienic Emptying. The Dust Container Is Carefully Designed To Dispose Collected Dirt Without Creating A Dust Cloud. It Is One-Hand Operated And Thanks To Its Unique Shape And Smooth Surface, You Can Easily Control The Emptying Of The Dust Container.Light Weight And Compact, Giving You The Freedom To Move. You Can Easily Carry Vacuum Cleaner Around When Cleaning Thanks To Its Light Weight And Compact Size.
"noon" وجهاز "noon" و"noon إيست" هي علامات تجارية أو علامات تجارية مسجلة لشركة نون ايه دي هولدينغز المحدودة، في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ودول أخرى.