Made from durable PVC, these pockets are waterproof and protect your items from water and dust. Plus, they're soft to the touch and built to last!
Keep your life organized with 24-piece A6 binder pockets - perfect for storing cash, coupons, and other small items!
With a top-loading, no-zipper design, these pockets are perfect for use with A6 budget binder systems and refillable notebook ring binders.
Use them with cash budget system and A6 binder to make budgeting and managing finances easy and stress-free.
Lightweight and easy to carry, these pockets are great for home, office, meeting, school, and travel use. Stay organized and save money with Our A6 binder pockets!
جيوب الملفات، 24 قطعة من البلاستيك الشفاف بحجم A6، مظاريف ميزانية نقدية ذات 6 فتحات، أكياس بلاستيكية فضفاضة مقاومة للماء، صفحات مدمجة للميزانية والنقود، كوبونات