Inspired by genuine flowers such as lavender, roses, hydrangea, camellia, and grass, these bouquets of architectural bricks present brilliant and colorful displays and interesting shapes.
The bouquet construction kit, consisting of 547 bricks, is a unique gift, creative, and thoughtful project. We assemble building kits easily, followed by paper instructions.
The bouquet building blocks are made of harmless and safe ABS plastic recycled resources, and are made into vivid and colorful plants that do not harm children's health.
A bouquet building kit can be used for home decoration that matches vases (excluding vases). A beautiful bouquet is a lasting decoration with wonderful flowers that will bloom in any occasion.
Each bouquet of flowers has its unique characteristics and significance. On New Year, Birthday, and Mother's Day, this is the perfect gift for lovers, mothers, girlfriends, wives, and family.