الميزات الأساسية- مصنوع من ألوان صالحة للطعام ونكهات لذيذة
- منتج يكشف عن بشرة جديدة ويرطبها ويشكل حاجزا واقيا عليها
- استخدميه بعد الاستحمام حيث الشفاه ناعمة ورطبة، مما يمنحك تنظيفاً فعالاً
نظرة عامةHola! Lets EXFOLIATE and PROTECT your lips and make them PLUMP and LUSCIOUS. I'm "Cocoa Scrub" and you would love to know me! I'm made with goodness of nature like FLAVONOID RICH COCOA POWDER, FINE SUGAR and DEAD SEA SALT. I m enriched with SHEA BUTTER and JOJOBA oil. I GENTLY EXFOLIATE dead dry skin of your lips and FIGHTS SUN DAMAGE to protect your skin making your lips plump. I leave the new exposed skin MOISTURIZED and form a PROTECTIVE BARRIER on it. I prepare your lips to absorb all the nutrients from our nourishing LIP BALM. I come in a hefty size of 20gms, 4 times bigger than those available in market. Pick me up and "GETSOLIFIED" now! HOW TO USE: Scoop required amount and gently massage it on moist lips. Wipe it off with a soft damp tissue or just lick it. All our lip products are made from food safe colors and yummy flavors. Best time to use is after shower as the lips are soft and moist, this gives you effective cleansing. Do not use it under shower as the sugar will melt and won't give proper exfoliation to your lips