الميزات الأساسية- وعاء يتسع حتى 50 جرام من حبوب القهوة، ما يكفي لصنع 10 أكواب من القهوة
- يمكن تعديل نعومة القهوة المطحونة بحسب زمن الطحن
- ضوء خلفي كبير لأغراض السلامة يضمن سهولة التشغيل والدلالة البسيطة على التشغيل
- مناسبة لطحن حبات القهوة والجوز والأعشاب والتوابل
- تتضمّن قفل أمانٍ يمنع مطحنة القهوة من التشغيل إذا لم تكن مغلقة
نظرة عامةThe story behind the SENCOR brand began more than 20 years prior to its origin. Japan was dealing with the issue of how to jump-start their economy, devastated by the war, and one way to do so was through the government-supported purchase of know-how from the USA and Europe, for which the Japanese invested over a billion dollars. A bright new start rose over Japan – electronics. Pre-war companies (Panasonic, Hitachi, Sharp) were accompanied by new companies – Sony, Akai, Sanyo, Aiwa, and in 1969, SENCOR. And it was in the late 1960s, during a time of agitation and revolutionary change throughout the world, which represented a substantial turn of events for Japan and its electronics companies. Imported technologies could not cope with the demand, resulting in a slump, and the task at hand was the revolutionary launch of Japan's own research and development, discovering new technologies, new products. The Japanese technological miracle could begin.