Lavender & Rose - Send your body flowers "just because" with this bouquet of herbaceous lavender mixed with the subtle floral notes of rose and geranium.
Effective Protection - We tested thousands of ingredients before finding a recipe that feels light and fresh under your arms, but provides you with effective protection against odor.
Goes on Easy - Native Deodorant is a solid deodorant that you can apply easily. We also use both safe, synthetic, sustainable fragrances (free of phthalates) and natural fragrances.
Cruelty Free - Native Deodorant never tests on animals, except humans who volunteer to try Native Deodorant.
Mens and Womens - Native's high performance award winning formula is strong enough for both men and women. All you have to choose is your favorite scent.
وزن المنتج
0.32 KG
2.65 Ounce (Pack of 2)
مدة الصلاحية
630 day
مزيل العرق | مزيل عرق طبيعي للنساء والرجال، خالٍ من الألومنيوم مع صودا الخبز والبروبيوتيك وزيت جوز الهند وزبدة الشيا | اللافندر والورد - عبوة من قطعتين