As specialists in home furnishings, we curate a diverse collection of high-quality products sourced from around the globe, blending timeless elegance with modern functionality to transform your living spaces. Enter the store to get more nice products.
Hand shower features advanced 8-setting 5-zone Powerhead with Self-clean Anti-clog Nozzles that prevent accumulation of grime inside
Nozzles are made with special revolutionary material that works 24/7 on molecular level to protect from degradation. This protection is 100% safe and effective for the life of the product and can never wear off
Use Wide Fan to quickly rinse off large areas, or switch to Point Jet and instantly blast away the stubborn grime
The fashionable and simple design bring you a whole new shower experience. The ergonomic design of the shower head fits perfectly in your hand, it is better used by child care, senior care, pet care, bathing and cleaning applications
You can easily install the shower head without calling a plumber to do it. It gives you a nice DIY experience also. After installing, it will help your entire family to create a better shower hygiene and cleaner shower environment
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رأس دش محمول ذو 8 أوضاع ضغط عالي مع فوهات مضادة للانسداد وخرطوم من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ بطول 1.5 متر، غسيل كهربائي مدمج للتنظيف