الميزات الأساسية- غني بالمعادن والفيتامينات الأساسية لمنع نقص العناصر المغذية مثل الحديد والزنك والكالسيوم وفيتاميني A وC
- يساعد في دعم دفاعات الأطفال الطبيعية ونموهم وتطورهم بشكل طبيعي
- يحتوي على Bifidus BL التي تُعد نشطة بشكل طبيعي
- تضمن التركيبة سهولة الهضم كما أنها خالية من مكسبات الألوان أو النكهات الصناعية أو المواد الحافظة
نظرة عامةCerelac Wheat is a nutritious, rice-based infant cereal with milk powder. At the very beginning of your baby’s weaning journey start by introducing simple cereals to their diet, such as this rice-based infant cereal with milk powder which contains iron which is important for their normal cognitive development along with Calcium, Vitamins A, C and D, and many other essential nutrients. Cerelac Wheat has a simple flavour and a suitable texture and it is an ideal foundation to a varied and balanced diet.
Preparation suggests to wash your hands before preparing baby's food. Make sure all utensils are thoroughly clean. Boil clean drinking water for 5 min. Allow to cool. Measure 150 ml(for variants from 6 & 8 months) and 140ml (for variants from 12 months) pour lukwarm water into baby's bowl. Add 50 grams or 9 level tablespoons of CERELAC. Stir until the cereal is smooth and feed immediately using a clean spoon. Do not Add Milk (product already contains milk).