الميزات الأساسية- الكتاب ذو وجهين، بألوان عالية التباين للأطفال الصغار وجانب ملون لمراحل النمو اللاحقة
- كتاب يُوضع في موضع قائم ويشجع وقت الاستلقاء على البطن ويمكن طيها بعد الاستخدام لسهولة التخزين/ النقل
- عضاضة أسنان لطيفة للأطفال جوي كوالا يمكن طيها في حقيبة كيمي، مثالية للأيدي الصغيرة للإمساك والعض
- تتضمن مرآة آمنة للأطفال لتنمية ذكاءهم العاطفي وتحفيزهم البصري واستكشاف انعكاسهم
- يشمل أجزاء متجعدة عديدة وملمس بارز للاستكشاف الحسي
نظرة عامةSay hello to Taf Toys’ Kimmy koala tummy-time book! Suitable from birth, this fascinating book can be enjoyed from day one by both parent and baby. The freestanding element means the book can be placed in front of your little one during tummy time and flipped through the different images for your little one to focus on. Designed for two different developmental stages, one side of the book shows images for babies 0-3 months, with high contrast monochrome images to help their eyes develop and adjust to the world around them. From 3 months onwards, your little one will be able to explore the images on the flip side of the book, with colourful and bright illustrations, as well as interesting textures for them to touch and feel. An engaging baby safe mirror is also included, allowing them to develop their emotional intelligence, visual stimulation and to investigate their reflection. Finally, there is a wonderful baby joey koala shaped teether, cuddled away in kimmy’s pouch to aid your baby’s motor and play skills development. This entertaining book is the perfect addition to your little one’s tummy-time and is an enchanting way to help encourage them to strengthen their muscles, explore new textures and more, whilst for parents it has the added benefit of being able to be folded down for easy storage in a changing bag or under the pram.