Special Features – Full spectrum multi collagen peptide complex from natural bovine, chicken, fish, and eggshell membranes. Hydrolyzed for easy digestion and dissolving. 11 Ingredient super blend.
Benefits & Use – Pure unflavored collagen powder source. Promotes anti-aging health properties for youthful hair, skin, nails, joints, and bones for women and men.
Purpose – Enjoy pure pasture raised peptides that will take your beauty routine to the next level and works great for any keto or paleo friendly individuals. A true 11-in-1 revitalizing powerhouse formula that fits into any part of your life.
Quality Ensured – Non-GMO ingredients that are 3rd party lab tested and passed. Made without sugar, gluten, dairy, peanuts, soy, wheat, yeast, and tree nuts.
300 Count (Pack of 1)
مدة الصلاحية
720 day
حبوب الكولاجين المتعددة للنساء مع فيتامين سي، إي، والبيوتين، 300 كبسولة - تركيبة 11 في 1 مع نخيل المنشار، وسيليكا الخيزران، وحمض الهيالورونيك - صحة الشعر والبشرة والأظافر والمفاصل