Product Name:Cici Mussel Shell Product Quantity: 1 Package Product Details: - It is natural. - It is used in making terrariums or candles. - It is sold as a package.- The model in stock will be sent.Terrarium Making:- First of all, you must choose your container (pot). Care should be taken to ensure that the container you choose is deep enough and wide enough for your work. - Pebbles should be placed at the bottom of the bowl. The stones placed at the bottom undertake the task of converting the water that will accumulate at the bottom of the container into moisture and prevent the roots of the plant from drying out. - Sprinkle Activated Charcoals on the Pebbles. Thus, it will help the soil to remain fresher. It will also prevent the formation of mold and mildew by preventing bacteria that may form inside your coal container and in the soil. - Pour peat on your coals and press it with your hand. Peat is the soil used in growing all kinds of plants and provides the most ideal growth environment for the plant. - Then Create Tiny Holes and Place Your Plants.- After Placing the Plants, You Can Decorate With Tiny Objects, Depending on Your Imagination.