PROTECT HANDS AND ARMS AGAINST BURNS: Oven rack protector is a must tool in your kitchen, and protects your skin against accidental burns and injury.
FITS ALL STANDARD OVEN RACKS, UNIVERSAL SIZE: 0.625" * 14" oven rack edge protector guards, covers the entire length of your oven, easy to cut to size.
100% CERTIFIED BPA FREE: The oven rack edge shields are made of food-grade silicone, avoiding dangerous toxins and protecting you.
EASY INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL: Slide covers on the edge of the long side of the oven rack and the silicone lining grips into place.
EASY TO CLEAN: the product is made of silicone material, which can be washed by hand with a dishwasher. It is convenient and fast and can be trimmed according to the length of the usage scenario.
واقيات رف الفرن، عبوة من 4 قطع من غطاء رف الفرن المصنوع من السيليكون المقاوم للحرارة بطول 14 بوصة، واقي حافة رف الفرن، يحمي من الحروق والندبات، شريط حماية ساخن (رمادي)