الميزات الأساسية- منتج يعزز من مرونة بشرتك ويغذيها ويرطبها
- يعالج الجفاف ويهدئ البشرة الجافة
- مستحضر علاجي خفيف ولطيف ومغذٍ للبشرة حيث تمتصه البشرة بسهولة
- يعالج البشرة الجافة والمتشققة، ويقلل من ظهور حب الشباب والندبات والبقع الداكنة
- يزيل الشوائب والأوساخ ويزيل السموم ويجدد البشرة
- قد يختلف التغليف
نظرة عامةNIVEA Nourishing Body Lotion is a rich, luxurious lotion that is ideal for extra dry and sensitive skin types that have lost their natural moisture.
Enriched with skin softening essential almond oil and infused with deep moisture serum, NIVEA Nourishing Body Lotion intensively nourishes your skin for 48hours to noticeably reduce the dryness of your skin just after one application, leaving it soft, smooth and well moisturized.
At NIVEA we’ve got a vast selection of soaps, shower gels, bath additives, deodorants, creams, lotions, milks and a lot more. If you’re looking for products to help improve the healthy look or glow of your skin, we’ve got you covered! Take a look now and discover the ideal NIVEA product for your needs and preferences. We have products for both men and women including shaving items and deodorants for all of your personal hygiene requirements.
NIVEA, a hundred years of skincare for life!