الميزات الأساسية- يتميز بكاميرا خلفية مزدوجة بفلاش LED يساعد على التقاط صور خالية من العيوب في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة
- تتيح شبكة LTE من فئة Gigabit و Wi-Fi 6 سرعات تنزيل أكبر
- الهاتف مزوَّد بخاصية التحقق بالتعرف على الوجه (Face ID) الأكثر أماناً في الهواتف الذكية، التي أصبحت أسرع وأسهل بمعدل ثلاثين بالمائة بفضل الأداء المحسَّن في أبعاد مختلفة ودعم مدى أكثر
- دقة عرض 828x1792 بيكسل
- يدعم إمكانية عرض لغات وحروف متعددة في الوقت نفسه
- عدسة فائقة الاتساع مقاس 13 مم بمجال رؤية للمشاهد أكبر بأربعة أضعاف بـ 120 درجة وعدسة عريضة مقاس 26 مم توفر تركيزاً تلقائياً بنسبة 100٪ في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة
- يمتاز هذا الهاتف بمحول بقدرة 18 وات للشحن السريع يباع بشكل منفصل لتوفير الطاقة طوال اليوم ومزوّد بشريحة بايونيك a13 مدمجة لضمان سهولة الأداء والقيام بمهامٍ متعددة بطريقةٍ رائعة
نظرة عامةiPhones are generally much smoother, faster, and have significantly better longevity compared to Android smartphones. They can outperform flagship Android devices thanks to Apple-manufactured hardware and system software.The iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. These devices use Apple's iOS mobile operating system. The first-generation iPhone was announced by then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007. Since then, Apple has annually released new iPhone models and iOS updates. As of November 1, 2018, more than 2.2 billion iPhones had been sold. As of 2022, the iPhone accounts for 15.6% of global smartphone market share.The iPhone was the first mobile phone with multi-touch technology.Since the iPhone's launch, it gained larger screen sizes, video-recording, waterproofing, and many accessibility features. Up to iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, iPhones had a single button on the front panel with the Touch ID fingerprint sensor. Since iPhone X, iPhone models have switched to a nearly bezel-less front screen design with Face ID facial recognition, and app switching activated by gestures. Touch ID is still used for Apple's currently-produced iPhone SE series.The iPhone is one of the two largest smartphone platforms in the world alongside Android, and is a large part of the luxury market. The iPhone has generated large profits for Apple, making it one of the world's most valuable publicly traded companies. The first-generation iPhone was described as a "revolution" for the mobile phone industry and subsequent models have also garnered praise.The iPhone has been credited with popularizing the smartphone and slate form factor, and with creating a large market for smartphone apps, or "app economy". As of January 2017, Apple's App Store contained more than 2.2 million applications for the iPhone.