These rehabilitation robot gloves are tailored for individuals requiring hand and finger rehabilitation.
They are highly beneficial for a variety of conditions, including stroke, arthritis, hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, dementia, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and nerve injuries, making them an excellent rehabilitation tool for home use.
Upgrades for Enhanced Comfort and Efficiency (Upgrades 1, 2): These gloves eliminate the need to rotate valves for individual finger training, offering 8 levels of stretching and bending intensity.
Simplified Mirror Training (Upgrade 3): The gloves have been upgraded to make mirror training more straightforward and convenient, ensuring you always use the correct glove.
Training Features (Upgrades 4-7): The gloves now allow for sequential training of all five fingers. They are powered by a new, more robust system, tripling the original strength.
Technological Enhancements (Upgrades 8-10): These upgrades include the ability to save the last training mode, a function to restore factory settings, and a new direct plug-in feature for increased power.
قفازات روبوتية قابلة للتأهيل للتعافي من السكتة الدماغية، جهاز تدريب اليد لمرضى الشلل النصفي، تقويم الأصابع - تخفيف طويل الأمد لتشنجات الأصابع