Respects the ergonomics, thanks to the central coulisse, it’s possible to adjust the width of the seat to guarantee the correct “M” position of the legs, essential for the correct baby ergonomics
Practical and comfortable, the carrier is equipped with padded shoulder straps that cross over the back to equally distribute the baby’s weight, paired with a padded waist belt that shifts the weight correctly
Just like your skin, its many regulations make possible to adjust the baby carrier in the most comfortable way for you and the baby, keeping him at the correct height that allows the best mother-child bonding
Double regulation buckles, the shoulder straps have been designed with handy double regulation buckles that allow you to adjust both the panel width and the shoulder strap lenght with exceptionally easy movements
the hood presents a double configuration: when lower it gives the baby’s neck an extra layer of support, when higher it provides privacy and sun protection during naps or sunny days