الميزات الأساسية- تصميم متين وسهل التنظيف مزود بمسند ظهر قابل للتعديل بواسطة الحزام، وتوفر المظلة الحماية من الشمس والرياح، ونظام حزام أمان من 5 نقاط مع ضبط بسحبة واحدة
- تصميم مفيد للسفر مع طفلك الصغير، فمن السهل طيه بفضل صغر حجمه، ما يجعله مناسباً للتخزين في المنزل وأثناء السفر
- عجلات خلفية مع فرامل للحركة بأمان وعجلات أمامية دوارة مع مثبت ما يضمن سهولة حركة العربة وسلاستها
- سرير ناعم ومبطن يوفر أقصى درجات الراحة عند النوم، إلى جانب التصميم المزود بعجلات ملساء تنزلق بسلاسة على السطح لسهولة التنقل
- عربة أطفال أنيقة من بيبي بلس تجعل نزهتك مريحة وآمنة مع عجلات دوارة سهلة الحركة وإطار متين
- منتج مزود بوسادة جيدة التهوية وقابلة للفك وحزام أمان للسلامة وفراش مزدوج
نظرة عامةBaby plus stylish stroller cum pram makes your outing comfortable and safe with easy to move swivel wheels and sturdy frame. It is beneficial when you are travelling with your little one. It’s easy to fold and compact design is convenient for storage at home and during travel. Safety belt securely seat the child in place. This stroller comes with a storage basket where you can carry all the essential items. Rear wheels with brakes for securely moving and front swivel wheels with fixer provides easy and smooth movement of stroller. Also full canopy keeps the harsh sunlight away from your child and also protects him/her from the rain and wind. It completes your life with many joys of parenthood. With all these features stroll in style while you are on the go. Baby plus is a pioneering name in premier baby care products. Featuring a range of child care and maternity wear items, the stores are doing well in the middle east. Add color to your kid’s closet by picking from the brands exciting range of kids wear, designed for newborns and size 10. Find eco-friendly and new-age baby feeding bottles, training cutlery, health care products and much more. And as your kid grows older, you will be spoilt for choice while shopping from the teenage section. These stylishly made clothes for tiny tots and kids are practical for all occasions. Additionally, baby plus offers children’s toys, nursery furniture, books and much more. If you are looking for a trusted brand whose services and products have been acknowledged as one of the best for prenatal and postnatal care, then baby plus is the brand that you should connect with. They manufacture products that help you through pregnancy and early years of parenting.Fresh air and strokes in the park are very beneficial for your baby. Many people refrain from taking their babies out to stay away from the hassle that comes with carrying them in your arms. To solve this problem and allow you to take your baby out without having to carry them in your arms, baby plus provides you with stylish and convenient baby stroller buggy. This baby stroller makes your outing comfortable and safe. It is very light in weight and can be easily carried anywhere with you. Your baby can rest in peace in this buggy while also enjoying the fresh air and the freedom to move, which would otherwise have been restricted while in your arms.