الميزات الأساسية- تتميز بتصميم خفيف الوزن مع عجلات كبيرة وسلك طويل لسهولة الحركة
- مصممة لتقليل الغبار الناعم والمواد المثيرة للحساسية في منزلك
- منتج يتميز بفوهة أرضية تعمل بخطوتين
- منتج يأتي بقوة شفط 250 وات
- منتج يتميز بكيس أتربة سعة 16 لتراً
- منتج يوفر مزيجاً رائعاً من الفاعلية و الكفاءة
نظرة عامةPanasonic offers a wide range of products and services, including rechargeable batteries, automotive and avionic systems, industrial systems, as well as home renovation and construction. Our commitment at Panasonic is to provide a ‘Better life’ for our consumers and contribute to creating a ‘Better World’ around them. The requirement of our audience differs across geographies and therefor technological solutions have to be customized to the local environment. With this philosophy we intend to provide solutions that are made in India for the Indians, across business and consumer sectors. Our mission is to create the Panasonic business of "tomorrow." By integrating business, technology, and creativity to create the values demanded in the future to come, we will realize ideal lifestyles and societies solving social issues globaly. We take our customers' feedbacks and requests seriously, always put ourselves in their shoes, to make “contributions” that far exceed their expectations through our technologies.